Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What an amazing God we serve!

So, Allison and I talk about blogging pretty often and one thing we agree on is that we would like our blogs to be practical and real, but also with a little spiritual revelation. Basically, some posts are just about nonsense, but every now and then we both like to throw in a lil nugget of truth.

Now, let me tell ya...the "nuggets of truth" do not come around as often as I may like. =) With being a stay at home mom and working two days a week, it is much easier to blog about poop blow outs, drama at work, or Addisyn's latest milestone than a "blog worthy" spiritual thought.

In my quiet time lately I have been eating up some Romans, though. Romans is one of those books that we LOOOOVVEE when we first get saved, but it's also great to revisit frequently because it is full of so much of the "meat" of salvation and our Christian life!

(**PAUSE**...give Addisyn the paci)

(**PAUSE AGAIN**...get Addi out of the swing and lay her on the floor in front of the it bad that my 3 month old watches TV?!)

Anyways... I came across this verse "What if some did not have faith? Will their lack of faith nullify God's faithfulness? Not at all!..." Romans 3:3-4

I love this verse!!! I mean, I really really really try to live a lifestyle of faith. I CHOOSE to believe that God is bigger and is always in control in ALL situations. But sometimes, when the rubber meets the road, you do wonder if your faith is just all talk! When we sat in the doctors office and were told that Eric may have cancer, my mind ran wild! My mouth was saying "God knows the plans for our lives and He is in control" but, my mind was going "I can't do this...I'm too young for this...What if become a widow at 23?...What if Eric and I aren't guaranteed a lifetime together?...What if he isn't here to walk Addisyn down the aisle at her wedding or sit next to me at her highschool graduation?" I mean, I'm just being honest...those were my "dark moment" thoughts.

I remember calling Allison and saying "I talk about having faith, but now I don't know if I can really do it...this is hard!" But the beauty of it all is that God's faithfulness was not phased by my doubts and lack of faith!

And you know what? We made it! God was so faithful and we ended up with a good report for Eric!! I love the fact that God doesn't need me! God's faithfulness doesn't rely on my faith...His strength does not rely on my being strong! He is strong when I am weak!!! What an amazing God we serve!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Amen! Praise God that He is who He is, and He has His being apart from our unsteadiness! And I totally can relate to the "I say I have faith, but where does it go when it gets really hard?" thing. I loooove you, and I miss you!


  3. I posted a comment and then forgot to type the security code...ahh! Basically, I said that your post is sooo true! There have been times when I'm full of faith and times when I'm not. God just doesn't change...ever! I'm so thankful that God is who He says He is! By the way, our life group is studying Romans. I love it!!
